What is the process to obtain a J-1 Visa for entry into the United States?

It might be necessary for you to apply for a J-1 Internship visa if you want to take part in an educational exchange program in the US. A J-1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa that allows you to visit the United States temporarily for a cultural exchange visa, exchange visitor program, education, training, research scholar visa, or employment.
However, before applying for a J-1 visa application process, you must meet certain requirements and prepare some documents. We will walk you through each step and give you a list of the paperwork required to get a J-1 visa.

Step 1: Find an approved program sponsor

Finding a program sponsor who fits your interests and qualifications is the first step toward obtaining a J-1 visa. An organization that holds a specific category of authorization from the US Department of State to oversee exchange programs is known as a program sponsor. The J-1 visa falls into various categories, including those for camp counselors, interns, teachers, researchers, doctors, chefs, and hospitality, among others. There are time restrictions and qualifying requirements specific to each category. If you are interested in the program, contact CMI International for guidance on applying and finding suitable sponsors.

Step 2: Apply for the program and receive the DS-2019 form

To participate in a program, find a sponsor, apply, and meet their criteria. If accepted, your sponsor will input your details into SEVIS, generating a DS-2019 form. This form certifies your eligibility as an exchange visitor. Your sponsor will send you the DS-2019 form for review and signature.

Step 3: Fill out the DS-160 form online

The next step in the visa application process is to fill out the DS-160 form online. This form requires personal information, contact details, travel plans, education and work history, and other relevant details. You also need to upload a digital photo that meets specific requirements. The form can be accessed at https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/. Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation page with a barcode to print and bring to your visa interview.

Step 4: Pay the visa fee and SEVIS fee

To apply for a J-1 visa, you must pay two fees: a $160 non-refundable visa fee and a $220 non-refundable SEVIS fee for most J-1 categories. Both fees can be paid online or at a bank that accepts US visa fee payments. Payment for the SEVIS fee can also be made by mail using a credit card or a check. It is important to keep the receipts of both payments as proof of payment.

Step 5: Schedule and attend your visa interview

The final step in the visa application process is to schedule and attend a visa interview at the nearest US embassy or consulate. It is important to make an appointment promptly after receiving the DS-2019 form. During the interview, be sure to bring all required documents.

● To enter the U.S., make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after departure.
● Bring your signed DS-2019 form, DS-160 confirmation page,
● SEVIS fee receipts,
● A 2×2 inch color photo
● DS-7002 form if applicable.
● Health insurance coverage that meets J-1 visa requirements.
Also, include supporting documents like transcripts, diplomas, letters of recommendation, proof of financial resources, and ties to your home country.

During the interview, you will be asked about your background, program, plans in the US, and intention to return home. Answer truthfully and confidently. The consular officer will then decide whether to approve or deny your visa application.

If your visa is approved, you will receive your passport with the visa stamp by mail or courier shortly. If your visa is denied, you will receive a letter explaining the reason for the denial and guidance on whether you can reapply.

We would be thrilled to have you visit the CMI International office and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. We understand how important it is to make the right decisions, and we are here to help in any way we can.

How to Apply for a Spain Student Visa and Enroll in Spanish Gastronomy

Spain’s situation between Portugal and France along the Mediterranean is a prime choice to spend a semester, summer, or an entire academic year. You will find warm weather, low cost of living, relaxed surroundings people who are friendly & inviting.

Hands down, the best cuisine in Europe.

One academic year is spent teaching theory and conducting directed practice.

Are you interested in the culinary arts and want to learn more about Spain’s rich culinary traditions? If so, CMI International’s opportunity could be the beginning of an exciting educational journey. We will assist you in obtaining a student visa for Spain and enrolling in a Spanish Gastronomy program that will start in January, April, or September of 2024.

Applying for a Student Visa to Spain:

Select the Intake:
Decide whether you want to begin your culinary adventure in January, April, or September 2024. Each intake provides a unique experience, so think about your preferences and academic timeline.

CMI International is a well-known educational consultancy that helps Pakistani students obtain study visas for Spain, including programs in Spanish Gastronomy. Reach out to them to begin your journey.

Eligibility and entry requirements:
Ensure you meet the entry requirements, which include a matriculation and a COTHM diploma or degree.
This program is intended for culinary graduates with kitchen experience.

To apply for a visa, gather the following documents:
1. Educational certificates, COTHM diploma or degree with attestation.
2. National police character certificate.
3. Family registration certificate.
4. Latest photographs.
5. Valid passport.
6. Proof of financial means (above 3 million).
7. Medical certificates.

Getting Ready Financially:
Provide a 6-month bank statement as proof of financial stability, demonstrating your ability to cover expenses during your stay. Complete the bank authorization and make sure all financial documents are in order.

The application process:
As you proceed through the application process, make sure all of your documentation is properly attested, submit your educational and personal records, and fill out any required forms (like those for data protection and bank authorization).

Payment of Tuition Fees:
Pay your tuition by transferring funds to the assigned account and presenting documentation of the bank transfer. Enrolling in the Spanish Gastronomy program requires you to complete this step.

Medical Assessment:
During the application process, submit to a medical examination and provide the necessary medical certificates.

Await the processing of your visa:
Six to seven months are expected to pass before the intake date for the visa processing. Please be patient during this time, and contact CMI International to receive updates regarding your application.

In summary:
It is an exciting idea to go on a culinary adventure in Spain, and you can make your dream come true with CMI International’s help. If you carefully follow these instructions, you will soon be fully immersed in Spain’s vibrant culture and world-class cuisine.

How to Apply for Portugal Student Visa?

Are you looking for a way to pursue your higher education abroad and also work part-time to support yourself?

If yes, then you might be interested in the opportunity offered by CMI International. CMI International is a leading educational consultancy company that helps students from all over Pakistan to secure their study visas for Portugal. Portugal is a beautiful and diverse country that offers a high quality of education and a vibrant culture.

Where you can enroll in various diploma courses related to

  1. Hospitality Operations Management
  2. Tourism Management
  3. Culinary Arts
  4. Food & Beverage

These courses are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge that are in high demand in the global market. The duration of these courses is one year, and after completing them, you will be eligible to work permanently and apply for permanent residency in Portugal.

This way, you can achieve your dreams of living and working in Europe.

To apply for these courses you need to have:

  • Intermediate level of education
  • COTHM certification or diploma
  • Good English communication skills
  • Bank Statement of PKR 2 million for the last 6 months
  • Valid Passport
  • Educational documents
  • European Format Resume
  • Police character certificate
  • Proof of funds
  • Age above 18

Processing Time for a Portugal Student Visa:

The processing time for a student visa can vary from a few weeks to three months. The duration depends on factors such as your country of residence, the specific Embassy, and the completeness of your application. It is important to begin the application process promptly after receiving your acceptance letter from the university.

The admissions are open for the intake of September 2024

So hurry up and start your process as soon as possible. You can visit our office or fill out our online form to get more information and guidance from our experts.

Don’t miss this chance to make your future bright with CMI International.

Duration of a Student Visa in Portugal

To study in Portugal, you need to get a visa from the Portuguese Embassy first. Then, you have to go to Portugal and request a residence permit from the SEF. This permit is valid for one year and can be extended every year until you finish your studies.

The student visa you receive at the Embassy is only valid for three months. This visa allows you to travel to Portugal. However, within those three months, you must complete the process of obtaining your residence permit. Once you have your residence permit, it replaces the visa and becomes your official documentation for staying in Portugal.

Make sure you apply for renewal/extension of the visa at least 30 days before expiry

Can I Stay in Portugal After My Studies?

You can stay in Portugal once you finish your studies only if you have a job offer. You and your employer must meet the requirements for a Portugal work visa in order for you to switch from a student residence permit to a working residence permit.

If you do find a job, you must apply to switch to a work visa before the student visa expires. The SEF will not accept your application if it is submitted within 30 days before the expiry of the student visa. If the visa does terminate, you will have to return home and apply for a work visa from your home country.